Archive for March, 2013

Coroner’s report D.O.A.

March 21, 2013

by Jack Locke

Aerial photo shows railway area west of Turcot Tunnel where 3 boys were killed. The location was misidentified by Quebec's coroner.

Aerial photo shows railway area west of Turcot Tunnel where 3 boys were killed. The location was misidentified by Quebec’s coroner.

It is not often I criticize a coroner’s report, but then again it is not often I read one.

If you want to read the coroner’s report for the death of Dylan Ford, who was killed on Oct 31, 2010 by a VIA Rail train. It can be read HERE.

Questions remain:
Why did the coroner conclude the deadly train was travelling within the speed limit, at 63 MPH? As I reported, this was contradicted by a CN Incident Report that noted the train was travelling at 70 MPH. The locomotive event recorder can confirm the speed.

Did the coroner review the drug and alcohol analysis of the VIA engineer? No mention of this in the coroner’s review. The coroner reported on the drug and alcohol levels found in Dylan Ford. And Coroner Krystyna Pecko, MD, had the audacity to suggest this may have had some bearing on the deaths of the three Montrealers.

Did the coroner interview the remaining eye witnesses? Non!

Headings of the coroner’s report include: Le train, Les statistiques, Les graffiti, L’Accident, L’analyse de l’accident, Commentaire, Le Recommandations, and Conclusion. No heading titled, Driving with undue care.

I have one recommendation: Talk to the people involved and ask questions. This coroner’s report is shameful, in my opinion.