Archive for October, 2011

Elegy for the CBC

October 3, 2011

by Jack Locke

When budget cuts and bleeding are all done
Caused by callous, indiscriminate broadaxe
Mother corp victims will limp, limp not run.

Gutted will be radio three, two, one
Left will be no lefty yakety-yaks
When budget cuts and bleeding are all done.

Any critique of Steve won’t see the sun
Unemployment to those who utter wise cracks
Mother corp victims will limp, limp not run.

The news will confuse after its spun
Duck! When Propaganda Canada quacks
When budget cuts and bleeding are all done.

We’d better adapt to Calgary fashion
And insulate our unheated shacks
Mother corp victims will limp, limp not run.

A long-held grudge is an ugly weapon
Prepare for unrivalled covert attacks
When budget cuts and bleeding are all done
Mother corp victims will limp, limp not run.