Archive for January, 2019

Sunday Poem: Lessons From A Snowball

January 27, 2019

From the corner of my eye I saw the snowball coming

But I was busy humming.

The snowball had a small rock in it

But I was too busy humming

It was coming

I was humming

Coming humming coming humming coming

Luckily, the snowball with the rock

I caught in the corner of my eye

Did not catch the corner of my eye

Why? Why? Why?

Because I slipped my body tipped

and the snowball with the rock clipped

me on the shoulder

And I learned one thing from that snowball with the rock

that passed by my eye

and it is this:

Do not put all your eggs on one shoulder.

Sunday Poem: What Kind Of God Would Deprive Kids Of Stars?

January 20, 2019


What kind of God would deprive kids of stars?       /

Obviously, one who is not polite       /

How wise are our modern day avatars?       /


Heavy light resembles smoke from cigars

A foul man-made fog that gives no delight

What kind of God would deprive kids of stars?


Growing up I remember seeing Mars

Only Venus matched its loveliness at night

How wise are our modern day avatars?


Boys and girls now live with eyes behind bars

Lumen profusion’s a crime against sight

What kind of God would deprive kids of stars?


Why so many street lamps? I blame cars

Sometimes bright ideas are not so bright

How wise are our modern day avatars?


The romantic dark is no longer ours

We had it stolen by villainous light

What kind of God would deprive kids of stars?

How wise are our modern day avatars?


Sunday Poem: Council, Council On The Wall

January 13, 2019


Council, Council on the wall
Whose the fagarest of them all?
When you cut a fifty-percent raise
I move you move to another field to graze,
Watching you chew cud in this pasture
Gives me a belly full of distasture.

Sunday Poem: Hefty Pay Raise In Westmount

January 6, 2019

gazette_pay raises

Abuse of Privilege in Westmount, QC.

January 1, 2019
Photo Christina Smith

Westmount Mayor Christina Smith may receive a 54.8% pay raise.

Does the Mayor of Westmount deserve a 54.8% increase in pay?

This is what Westmount City council is proposing. They want to raise the pay of the Mayor from $43,934 to $68,000. This is a whopping big increase, if you ask me.

Although the Mayor may deserve fair remuneration, one must ask why there have not been adequate increases in the past? Did no one on council ever consider the subject? Were they previously sleeping, or merely frugal?

This is why I humbly believe that a 54.8% increase in one broad stroke is NOT indicated. If the matter had not been considered by previous councils, in these times of tight budget allocations should this council unleash such a massive remuneration increase?

Largess and abuse of privilege have no place in local governance.