Archive for November, 2018

Sunday Poem: Democracy Kills

November 25, 2018

I’ve learned democracy kills. /

If you lay beneath all the Bills /

Government has enacted /

You’ll be mortally compacted.


Sunday Poem: The Only Amusing Encounter I’ve Ever Had

November 18, 2018

I once met a man named George Amusing
Did this actually transpire
Or was I snoozing?
Now that my head’s afire
I find the current occurrence confusing.


Sunday Poems: On being asked for a War Poem, and Theoretically I Am Against War

November 11, 2018
On Remembrance Day 2018, I offer two poems. First, W.B. Yeats’ 1916 poem, On being asked for a War Poem, followed by my poem, Theoretically I Am Against War.  I might add that following Yeats is an honour.

On being asked for a War Poem

By William Butler Yeats(from the Poetry Foundation)

I think it better that in times like these

A poet’s mouth be silent, for in truth

We have no gift to set a statesman right;

He has had enough of meddling who can please

A young girl in the indolence of her youth,

Or an old man upon a winter’s night.


Theoretically I Am Against War

by J. Lokshtanov

Theoretically I am against war

But when big bully steps on my toe

I rise defiant to even the score.


Peace is perpetual deep in my core

It was planted early in my embryo

Theoretically I am against war.


When tyrants threaten in way I deplore

Do I sit quietly in fear? Hell no

I rise defiant to even the score.


I wish small injustice I could ignore

But teeny wrongs produce woe upon woe

Theoretically I am against war.


Violent actions I certainly abhor

And violent actors we must overthrow

I rise defiant to even the score.


When bullies persist I’m given a chore

No person should deny their work, and so

Theoretically I am against war

I rise defiant to even the score.


Sunday Poem: The lot of Canadian poets is a pity

November 5, 2018
Note: This poem was issued late due to a technical difficulty(it wasn’t completed.) Enjoy, comment, and share, please.

The lot of Canadian poets is a pity
Why? I’ll give you a clue:
A lot of poets write pretty shitty.

Life’s light allowance can be quite gritty
When publishers skimp on marketing and glue
The lot of Canadian poets is a pity.

How rare the writer who dare be witty
Yet creative creatures could fill a zoo
A lot of poets write pretty shitty.

When poets join a sausage committee
The result: What no person should ever chew
The lot of Canadian poets is a pity.

We all desire respectability
But I strive to critique well, not to woo
A lot of poets write pretty shitty.

You may think my opinion is petty
or plain pathetic, but I assure you
The lot of Canadian poets is a pity
A lot of poets write pretty shitty.